3 min readMay 6, 2022

Fear can be so incredibly powerful right? I mean it makes us doubt our gifts, not believe in our creativity, and leave our dreams unfulfilled. Bah Humbug! What a way to live!!!

Fear is an interesting thing we fall into, You can’t beat it, overcome it, ignore it, suppress it, or deny it. Push fear away or pretend it doesn’t exist, and all you get is more of the familiar effects of fear — limitation, confusion, and disappointment in yourself.

The only lasting and intelligent way to deal with fear is to take away its power.

But how? How do we to do that?

We make fear our friend!!!


I know, scary, but I swear, make the radical choice to turn and meet your fear, and magic happens.

It may sound counter-intuitive, but I find that resisting fear empowers it. Fear that is not fully seen creeps into your mind and takes over your body, and the spirit just gets suffocated. But giving it your full, open, loving attention brings it out of the shadows.

Once we learn to recognize how fear can sometimes drive our choices, in that moment we can choose to respond differently by letting self-belief, enthusiasm, compassion, and love guide us.

It’s the end of the small fear-fueled self and the beginning of truly living.

Become familiar with fear in all its faces. Make it a conscious choice to recognize how it clouds your judgment and convinces you that you are not your brilliant, magnificent self.

Become an expert in your fear, and it will lose its power over you. Make it your friend for all time, and your life will begin to sing its own, unique, beautiful song.

Why go one more second believing your fear which subjects us to limited thoughts with an ultimate negative outcome, when it isn’t even real yet, the fears reality isn’t even true?

So let’s become conscious lovers of life, where we pay attention to our mind and how it works, in order to help ourselves to recognize fear-driven thoughts.

And how about this? Take the intelligent approach and not believe the thoughts of fear. Realize what actually is true, and that is you don’t know what the future will bring!!

By practicing this conscious awareness you will feel the freedom of being released from a gloomy future that hasn’t even happened yet. Life is now full of possibility.

Can’t you feel it?

With fear no longer driving you, what do you really want? What do you want your life to be about? The choice is yours…

Harness the power of fear by knowing it fully. Then find your true voice — the one that is alive inside you, the one that can’t be diminished no matter how afraid you think you are. And, when you are ready, step out and dance for rising up above your fear and moving forward into your best possible self.

Love and light…

#mentalhealth #suicideawarness #depressionawareness #mentalhealthmatters #depressionhelp #maymentalhealthawarenessmonth #suicideprevention #facingfears #fear #overcomefear #SuicideSupport

