4 min readAug 16, 2021


Consistency, I find, is a bizarre thing for me, and an even more challenging thing to commit to at times.

I battle as to why sometimes I struggle with being consistent, for I remember clearly how consistent I was with my drug addiction. It was as consistent as the sun rising everyday. Feeding my habit just was, and there was nothing that was going to stop it, or interrupt it, and strangely enough i didnt even think twice about skipping a time to shoot shit in my arms. Consistency was key to being a functioning addict, for if i missed a shot, my energy would lag and i had the possibility of getting sick, and that wasn’t going to happen, Function i must and consistency was key.

Consistency I find can be a challenge on some days, as I am sure we can all relate to this at times. For example today consistently committing to my morning ritual, a beautiful time where i get to say thank you to the Universe and honor my place and space in this time, and thank the Universe for my breath being present each day, the only truly consistent thing we are born with and die with, well today it was hard to remain consistent in practising this joyful sart to my day. Why? I mean the irony is that my morning rituals are truly a healthy thing for me, so much so, they help me stay sober, and remind me to be grateful for every day I wake up.

So why is it sometimes, being consistent can be such a struggle? I mean especially when what I am doing is for the benefit of my best self? And why, on the flip side, was it so easy to remain consistently fucked up for so many years on drugs, something that nearly killed me? But today I found myself struggling with committing to a healthy healing tool that I knew would make me feel good?? Funny shit ay!!??

Is it just in our human makeup that we are given this challenge to remain consistent? One of our many human behavioural hiccups? I know we have all had those days when constantly committing to going to, for example, the gym, or doing morning rituals, or praying, or meditating, or eating well, amongst many other things has been hard to follow through with, even though we know it makes us feel good? Why do we have funky days where all we want to do is avoid that which makes us ultimately feel better than when we woke up that day??

We are an odd species sometimes…??!!

I am just observing this my friends. These questions just came to me as I was noticing my behavior this morning, i was lagging, and wanted to sleep in, curl up and turn off, but I had commitments at work and other things, so of course I couldn’t. I mustered up my energy and kinda sulked my way at the start of my morning ritual. But as I did, I noticed a shift, a smile, a spark of light and joy, as I connected to my higher power, angels and guides. At the end of my ritual I kinda felt a huge success was met, more so than any other day when I was not struggling with being consistent with my commitments. I smiled as I triumphed and remained consistent. Even if my consistency was initiated by the fact I had to get to work, so what, it could have been worse and I could have called in sick and cancelled my whole day. Never underestimate anything you do to better yourself.

Why do I bring this up?? Well by committing to and being consistent with my morning ritual, I witnessed it bring me out of my feelings of lag and lack of motivation. It actually gave me more energy, because initially, as I said, I sulked my way to my altar, huffing and puffing that I had to do anything today. After completing it, I celebrated because I felt a deep sense of self love, that by actively committing to myself and by being consistent with my morning ritual, one of my self healing tools, I was practising commiting to my self worth, and it felt fine…..

I know we all have days where things get in the way, but I found that by overriding my morning mood and dragging myself out of bed and just starting what I knew always made me feel good, was well worth committing to. By being consistent with helping myself out when I wasn’t in the mood, created a feeling of self pride and admiration. I felt proud of myself, and what a great way that was to shift my mood and start my day. It brought in more energy and a hard skip in my step that I didn’t even experience on the days where I jump out of bed, ready for my morning ritual. Funny that hey!!

So be gentle and speak kindly to yourself if you are challenged one day. Treat yourself like a friend who needs encouragement. Come from a place of love and tenderness, for t is really our egos we are battling with when consistency is a challenge. But if that walk, that prayer, that morning ritual etc is something that benefits us for our higher good, I guarantee our inner spirits, guides, angels and source will be there on the sideline, cheering us on ready to commit and be consistent with the things that make us turn up in our life as our best selves…

Food for thought…

Have an amazing week and be consistent in loving yourself, warts and all…

Love and light

