2 min readApr 8, 2023



So Its a good day and i am going to take advantage of it and have a rave about love and fulfillment.

I have been so blessed to be surrounded by such deep love as of late (generally).

My environment is so big in love that sometimes I have to stop and take a breath. My lover, Chris Winckler, my many wonderful friends. Who are these amazing people in my life? How grateful i am for these divine beings i cross paths with.

I have been excitedly pursuing what I love to do and it is being received with love in return, and this is so fulfilling, in all ways.

I feel truly fortunate to be at service to some fine beings at present, exchanging Breathwork sessions and leading my Pilates classes. I feel surrounded by truly good folks who just want to work towards becoming their best selves, be the best they can be for the betterment of the world. WOW! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And you know what?? … I finally love myself just as i am in this moment, right now! I am not perfect but this core of love within me that is swelling, growing, developing is devoted to loving myself and others whole heartedly.

My ultimate fulfillment comes not only from the satisfaction and growth in this physical world, which is happening, the more i open up to giving selflessly, the more there is to be received such abundance, but my ultimate fulfillment comes from knowing i am one with spirit, i am love at my core. We all are, and with this beauty in heart we can change the world through this love and kindness.

Do i sound like a hippy??

I am practicing releasing control from here on in and surrendering to the power of love, after all love is all there is. Love lives below fear and pain and hatred, it is just a matter of surrendering and trusting, and i believe this is where my true healing lies, within love. And my woooooord this is so fulfilling!

In a place with a quiet mind, still body and open heart, our energy is aligned with divine love. This is where all our growth and change and desires for this life, begin. We can do this. We can rise with love in our hearts!

Lets sit in our divine love. Our true core center. Our true being, and begin to fill up the wounds of this world with care and compassion…

We are much more than simply a physical being, we are spirit, energy, LOVE is at our core…

So go out there and love yourself and each other a little more. Fill that love in your soul!!

Love and light

