3 min readAug 9, 2021


I’m practising something new folks, like i practice my morning ritual daily, my meditation daily, my exercise routine daily, i am taking a proactive approach to practice SELF LOVE, DAILY!!

My heart wells up and I find it so sad how we all generally, as beautiful humans, find it so hard to love ourselves on a consistent basis, warts and all.

I find I am always having that inner voice, doubt, disrespect and downgrade myself on a more consistent basis than that of self love, self appreciation and self respect.

So i am committing to a 30 day challenge of self love, funnily enough this goes along with my 30 day squat challenge!!?? Bizarre, but hey, it does take effort and an everyday commitment to really work at building self love into a consistent practise, everyday for the rest of my life.

It is a matter of readjusting my mental space.

Working at noticing when I hear the common doubt and lack of self worth creep in.

I must learn about my own emotional needs. When to walk away if i am emotionally exhausted and also when my heart is full to put in the effort.

I find myself refocusing my energy on external beauty when I hit a tender spot of self doubt. A flower, the mountains, a bird, or simply a smile from another. This gently brings me back to the beauty that surrounds us all the time, consistently, always present and always shining love and light.

I can use this joy and bring it inward, knowing we are all connected, all energy, all related, and that this external beauty is me, I am a part of this web of universal magic, and I want my flow of love to be meshed with all that is around me too. I want to represent the best of this world as often as I can, and show up as my best self.

So I notice with my daily practice, I am beginning to smile in my heart. My soul is warmer, my mind’s shadow is but a hush, and I can see my active dedicated practice of self love, is shifting my reality, my perspective and my world.

That this consistent practice is keeping me aligned, and I am being uplifted through my inspired action.

The only permanent thing in our lives is ourselves. I say this not to scare you, but remind and enlighten you.

So make that decision, that commitment to pursue your internal sunshine, your internal joy, and walk towards your inner serenity and self love.

Ride with the waves of our Ascension.

Pure love is the centre of our being, the centre of all of our beings.

New levels of freedom and liberation are being gifted to us by the Universe, if we can just tap into, tune in and turn up to that amazing and authentic heart-felt love for self.

Learn to cultivate compassion and kindness for EVERYTHING you have been through.

We are all amazing warriors, worthy of receiving and giving love to ourselves.

So join me for this 30 day challenge, and beyond, and let’s feel and experience the difference within.

Spread our love and see the world change before our eyes.

We are all worth it.

Love and light and a great week to you all

#suicideprevention #mentalhealthawareness #depressionawareness #selfloveisthebestlove

